Saturday 14 March 2015


Emoji Keyboard puts the power of mobileshorthand on desktops and laptops:


If someone can find success crowdfunding potato salad on Kickstarter, why not something equally unnecessary but even more fun — like an emoji keyboard?That's what the folks at Oakland, California-based Disk Cactus, a self-described "art and technology" studio, developed to give us all a simple way to emojify messages.

Here are Apple's new, diverse emoji:

Apple is rolling out the new beta of OS X to developers — and, for the first time, we have a close look at more diverse kinds of emoji.

Apple has openly acknowledged that emoji lack racial diversity; even the ones that do represent people of color are often criticized as stereotypical. Now, it looks like the Cupertino company is finally making steps in the right direction.We got our first look at the new emoji in November, but examples were limited.

It looks as though these emoji will have interchangeable swatches that can change a Caucasian emoji to a variety of different skin colors. There are six different options for hair and skin, accessible through a dropdown menu on each icon in apps such as Messages for Mac.

Right now, the new slew of emoji only show up on supported devices. For devices not running the latest software, the original white emoji characters appear in their place. 
Screenshot 2015-02-23 15.11.34

Apple is replacing its watch emoji with — you guessed it — the Apple Watch.

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